
Scocozza Meza

Planificación estratégica - Ciencia de datos

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Diseño, planificación y coordinación de proyectos de innovación organizacional y de producto. Investigación sobre opinión pública, redes de poder y adopción masiva de nuevas tecnologías. Integración de metodologías centradas en el humano y con perspectiva en sistemas. Transformación de datos en insights. Liderazgo de proyectos y desarrollo de soluciones con foco en el impacto en las personas y la sostenibilidad. Fanático de la naturaleza, músico y coder entusiasta.

Lab de visualización de datos

Un espacio dedicado a la exploración de datos a través de la visualización de patrones latentes.

Sistema de bicicletas públicas de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires

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Inflación y heterogeneidad en su evolución por producto

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Cercanía entre barrios de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires en transporte público

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La "no-tan-libre" conexión de internet

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The power of Online Communities: Innovative discourses about climate change on twitter

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The global and, at the same time, spatial–temporally asynchronous nature of the climate change problématique, makes public opinion of it a crucial factor for its potential resolution. There is an important theoretical and empirical body that explains how public opinion about climate change is framed through the mass media, concentrating the power of the climate agenda fixation on specific political-economic groups. It has been argued that growth of various communication platforms through the Internet allows greater horizontal interaction between individuals, increasing the possibility of distributing non-hegemonic discourses with greater ease. Although several researches analyze how discourses are distributed through different communities on the internet, they do not refer to the relational characteristics that define each community. The following research paper focuses on the different relational structures of online communities that discuss climate change issues to identify the relationships between climate problématique points of view and power structures. Through the Twitter platform, the interactions focused on the english-spoken discussions, about climate change in the period surrounding COP23, are analyzed. Through network analysis, segmentation in communities is inferred and then compared based on their structural characteristics in terms of the flow of information. At the same time, the latent semantic relationships of the tweets are analyzed to identify the composition of the discourses around climate change. Finally, we proceed to evaluate the existence of differences in discourses according to the relational structures of online communities. The results of the analysis reveal that socially innovative topics circulate with greater intensity in communities which relational structures promote a greater power distribution of messages creation.

Artificial Intellingence & Private Metadata: Barriers and oportunities for a shared economy future

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Fake news on the internet during the 2016 US election campaign: Changes of power in the network society

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Life cycle and ICT development on family enviroment

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